How to keep your family organized

Two kids at a command center

I am often asked, “how do you manage it all?”  I have several time-management and organizational routines. They are all processed through our family command center. Our command center is located on the door to our garage. I purchased everything at Target and Dollar Tree for around $60. 

A family calendar: My husband and I both use digital calendars at work and on our phones. But our family calendar is a simple monthly calendar printed from I used to buy cutesie or themed wall calendars but found it easier to manage a regular piece of paper.

My husband and I write down our appointments and our after-work obligations that affect our two sons. My sons are responsible for writing down their appointments and after-school activities on the calendar. 

It’s a great visual for them. They like to see what is happening. I also hold them responsible for remembering to pack what they need in their backpacks for school functions. 

They like to cross off each day. It helps them with their time management.

If there is a school function or if your children are involved in after-school activities, ask THEM to write it on the calendar. If they are too young to write, explain to them what you are doing. This helps reinforce time management and organizational skills at a young age. 

Sheet pan with pens

Dry Erase pens: I buy the dry erase pens that have a magnet on them. It keeps the pens from getting lost. I keep them on our door using a Dollar Store sheet pan. I hung the sheet pan to the door with command strips. I like the sheet pan because we can also use magnets to affix appointment reminders. 

I have two dry erase boards:

  1. I use one to organize our shopping list. The entire family contributes to the shopping list. This is helpful because I know what snacks or fruit my kids want. Lord knows their food tastes change weekly!

  2. I use the second one as a weekly meal planner.  This is SO HELPFUL. It’s a great reminder to me of what I had planned on cooking that day. But more importantly, if my husband gets home first, he knows what HE can start cooking for dinner! This eliminates the “what’s for dinner?” question. It also helps us stay on a food budget, instead of going out to eat. 

Corkboard: We use the corkboard to hang important reminders. I recommend that you encourage your children to hang school work and art they are proud of.

Bill Organizer: I bought the type that would normally sit on your desk, but I attached it to the corkboard with push pins. We rarely get paper bills anymore, but it is helpful to also keep important papers that need to be mailed, or signed. 

I recommend Googling “family command center” for fun ideas that will work in your house. I also suggest building it at eye level for your youngest child so everyone can contribute.


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